Update April 5: Nova Metis received another letter from MNBC, which was hoped would clarify their earlier statements, and we provide a further response.  We ask them to come to the table and carry their responsibility and act with due dilegence to strengthen our Metis communities, as opposed to what seems to be the received intent.

MNBC Letter of Response to Nova March 31, 2017

Nova Metis Letter to MNBC - April 5th, 2017



Nova Metis received a letter from MNBC, in their hope, it seems, to stir controversy and incite our members and others to have a poor opinion of our conduct in the Metis community. For a casual reader, and those believing MNBC to be the higher authority, this has probably sown unrepairable doubt. However, for those willing to take the time and read through the letter and our rebuttal attached to this article, our hope is a more reasoned mind will prevail and see it for what it is.

MNBC Letter to Nova January 19, 2017


Our Rebuttal:

Nova Letter to MNBC Response March 2nd, 2017

MNBC and Nova Chartered Agreement 2005 Signed

Nova - BC Registrar - Good Standing

Notice of AGM for 2015